lucinda's blog

My thoughts on many things, especially family history and the search for my roots.

Location: Missouri, United States

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I did it!!

I have posted twice in a month instead of waiting a year!  WOO HOO!!  I also was able to spend some time working on my family history web site.  I actually posted my grandmother's funeral announcement (the one that was handed out in town in 1946) and I also posted my Uncle John's marriage certificate (his first wife back in 1937).  I hadn't worked on my website in almost a year as well.  I have accomplished much this month, even while taking a law class and working full time.  I also spent several hours this evening going through a file I found in my filing cabinet.  I had saved letters and cards over a span of about 20 years from my aunts, uncles, my great aunt Isabelle, and my cousins by placing them in a hanging file and apparently I forgot about them.  I read through each one and it was like they were still with me.  I had a few happy moments recalling events mentioned in the letters and several teary ones as I read about the passing of family members.  Looking at the dates on a couple of letters I realized they were written within a few months of the passing of the person that wrote them or the person being spoken of.  It really makes you think about keeping in closer touch with those family members that are still living.  Family history is not only about those now gone but  also about  making new history and memories with those that are living.  Share your family history with your children and grandchildren by telling stories, sharing photos, recording your memories on paper, by using technology that is now available to digitally record or by writing notes in cards and using the old way of "snail mail". Happy memory making!!



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